Friday, May 29, 2009

Just For The Record

Was supposed to be my Friday afternoon off and for the second time now (on a Friday), my colleague's child is sick which means I don't get a longer weekend to get away or just chill out completely. So, what if I say my dog, parrot or cat's ill? Won't help moping though...

There was a heck of a cat-fight on the other side (neighbours) this morning, but its all due to OUR cats straying over there and the big fat gray cat doesn't like strangers on his property. It's a place so off-limits and Sci-Fi to me that I'd not dare sticking my little toe through the wire. What is that then with my precious darling cats trespassing time and time again over the threshold? Who's luring them there? Can't hold 'em on their tails though can I? Bella was sick as a dog too last night; ate her supper too quickly, but this morning she's as fresh as a button again and I'm a wreck.

The exhaustion might be the after-effect of returning home in the wee morning hours of Thursday (up again at 06h30) after an unexpected night out with strangers. I was sat down next to a man on my one side who later confessed to think I'm the woman he should marry and I think he is confused (to put it mildly). If one's been drinking and lecturing a hoare-house of supposively lost souls all afternoon and meet a saint like me... frankly I don't take any responsibility. Then there was the other one... with carpenter hands, who knows how to set the sails on the open seas and supports the Barcelona Football Team with shameless fluency in Spanish. He lived in Spain for seven years. I do not agree that single men like that should be on the loose though. They corrupt the brains of single females by making soccer-support (insults) sound like hoarse whispers of eternal love and lust an' all.

Don't worry, I still support Liverpool...e-r Man-U...

If I don't see or read about you this weekend: Enjoy the weekend and remember to make time for yourself too.

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