Friday, January 23, 2009

Neurotic Habits of a Fellow Blogger

Warning: This is written in an unhealthy hurry (disastrous), right under the sharp eyes of the Mafia. So please pardon the garble that might sprout and flourish in style on this page today… Next time…e-r, can’t make any promises right now. Just be happy with getting these meager mielie-pitte being offered today...

It seems to be all doom and gloom for our Neanderthal friends from the North. The cold of the season had finally got to them; driving them to extreme lows on a chilling stock market and unfriendly bare trees hibernating in some black frost. Oh dear, they'll be glad to see the backside of this one...

As for me, I seem to go from disconbobbled to extreme-bobbled strengths this week. Who would guess the rambles a blog can stir up…in one’s very little but wandering own mind.

As usual, this Extra-Virgin Leo’s sole intention was slightly selfishly focused on getting things straightened out in her life. Next thing that happens is…nothing much.

That is quite tragic. The life of an ordinary and sometimes desperately confused being doesn’t only drive others insane but believe me; I drive myself around the bend, time and again.

It’s weekend and all I want to do is SLEEP. But alas, life out there is waiting and they (the Chuckies of this world) threatened me to get out there this weekend on a hike, with strangers of all faces and races. Do I really give a farting pig to actually put on my walking shoes this weekend? Those shoes still bear the laborious evidence of my last death-defying scramble up and on-all-fours-backside-skidding downfall from Koffiebus in the North Eastern Cape. I righteously nicknamed the coffeepot Koffimanjaro. Why does something in that name ring a cannabis bell? I wonder, I wonder…

Do I REALLY want to go out tonight and possibly (please be there!) meet my future soul mate? Do you know, one has many-many more soul mates than one will ever be able to handle or be handled by? I don’t want to overplay my hand in my own little soap opera – but it might be nice if these soul mates just sometimes come out from behind whatever they’re hiding. This little game of hide & seek can also become very (there’s that word again) laborious. So next time someone seemingly lurks behind the thin bark of a palm or sneak out of my sight, I’ll just shout the following: I can see you! Games up, time to come out… and YOUR BLOODY TURN TO LOOK FOR ME NOW! AND TO COUNT TO THAT REDICULOUS 6-DIGIT FREEKING NUMBER I DID BEFORE I SAW YOU…

See, I’m not done yet with that Sexurance Topic either. It bugs me. It really does. Living in the surrounds of a multi-sexual-frustrated city, one needs to reaffirm certain values with one’s co-conspirators, i.e. bloggers. It drives me around the bend, it truly does, this life. Let's get one thing straight: we live in such a BIG world, and yet... And yet we often agree in sharing the same bloody experiences, or having gone to the same bloody school... Now I seem to have been sniffed out by a bloodhound from my parts of the world.


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