Monday, January 19, 2009

Thank goodness I'm not Catholic

...or a lot of confessions would have to be made on a weekendly basis...

Peace arrived last night after a somewhat peculiar weekend. You know, one of those which one can't put a finger on. Like a thorn stuck under the skin, not terribly uncomfortable but not supposed to be stuck there either...

I did not work on my story for a travel magazine. Using an excuse that I'm awaiting some vital info...

I did however change the story line of that big 'Tuscan-villa-here-we-come' novel. People, you may now officially start booking your there might be a waiting list.

I drank less wine... During the holidays I heard this true story of an elderly gentleman that choked straight into the wine goblet during a communian service. Too thirsty? Tsk. Everyone apparently then asked for tumblers... which luckily were at hand.

Went to the cinema to see either Jonathan Livingston Seagull or Australia, then changed the plan and bought a screw top bottle of Chenin Blanc, cheese straws and honey-nougat and hit the road not quite knowing where I was going. Not home, because that would send me going boing-boing.

Drove to the other side of the peninsula and went for a lovely long curvy stroll on Scarborough’s white sand. Pervert me did a bit of checking the surfers gliding across the gentle swells. The sea colors were aqua-, cobalt- and transparent like a swimming pool. And it nearly froze off my toes.

I spent a lot of time playing with Mr. Gorgeous. The latest addition to Acorn Cottage, Luigi is a tiny, ffurry, funny, jumpy, milk and attention loving little kitten with plenty of personality.

Ma and Pa celebrated their 39th wedding anniversary. How many people can say that? I told them that they must have a very normal marriage considering all the sh*t between all the good over the years, and getting to the point where they still love each other.

The very same day however we reeled in shock when my cousin (godchild’s mom) had a nasty car accident caused by an imbecile drug-induced blond charging her white Corsa from a one-way ally (wrong way) straight into her. My cousin could have died. Cousin said with a hint of humor though that they're going to 'naai' this chic in court.

Spoiling the day further, Ma and Pa’s beloved pet, a 5-year old rock rabbit (dassie) decided to die. Probably liver failure, as Dassie had a real fetish for cheese and wine. Well, another thing is that my brother and Dassie had a very special relationship: they hated each other. Bro did the right thing however to call and give his condolences of the recently deceased...

And I forgot to phone a friend who I promised to call last night - after I tried really hard to remember all weekend.

And someone I know seems to have gone off with a guy I really liked.

Life in the nether parts of Africa never has a dull moment, it seems.

A happy & blessed week to you.

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