Thursday, December 11, 2008

Dinners and Kinky Stuff

The thing about E-mails and those black and whites...

Lastly named doesn't refer to kinky black or white undies, okay. Save those for much later in the game or day...

Coming back to the thing about receiving the same old junk emails doing the rounds every year pre-Christmas and New Year. I hope you read them religiously too and through, as there is something so jolly funny and sad about doing just that.

Such as the one about baking an explosive life-threatening infused Xmas cake and EVENTUALLY and FINALLY falling or keeling over in bliss.

Or the one about one's sex life (Garfield piccie) improving soooooo much during the year that everyone is now fucking the poor bugger around. Can't say I'm quite in this category yet, but definitely fall victim to being mucked about sometimes. Darn. So does this mean that regardless of getting more or less sex, one will still get fucked? Sorreee, bad language again.

Does anyone ever watch "Dinner For One" on New Year's Eve? I lurve the butler and feel a certain affinity with the way he carries on...

Anyhow, this morning I received the message highlighted in FAT BLACK letters below. Ridiculing the terrorist communities or wickedly overworked mob of sods like me, but I love it when insanity screws the mind.

Well and I thought anyone who'd like to join in to voicing their feelings, should meet me there...


The Leaders of the world are asking for your support to combat terrorism and we are being encouraged to demonstrate against these terrorists this Friday at 15:00 hours.
It is a well-known fact that the Taliban are against alcohol consumption and think it is sinful to look at a naked woman.

Therefore, at 15:00 hours this Friday, all women should run naked through the office while men chase them with a beer in their hands. This is the best way to show our disgust for the Taliban and will hopefully help us in detecting the terrorists amongst us, so anybody who does not do as proposed will be deemed a terrorist, denounced to the world and be shot.

Do it for your country!!

1 comment:

Tim Atkinson said...

Usamma must be quaking in his cave! And how many of you performed this patriotic duty, btw?